Monday, March 21, 2016

Composing My Frame - Holland Building

It took several trips around the Holland building, inside and out, before I finally settled on this shot. I am not personally a fan of modern architecture. I prefer the historic beauty of a grand, gothic church or a colorful Indian palace. That being said, I was determined to find something gorgeous and thankfully the colors of Spring lent a hand.

I used the rule of thirds to set up the building as the largest portion of the screen  and specifically the Zion room to create a frame around the tree in the foreground. The most important part of the photo was for me to show a contrast between the beauty and color of the tree and the industrial nature of the imposing structure behind it.

I was going for a sense of symmetry by splitting the building and the light exactly on the corner and the center of the tree an it took a while to get the right positioning of the branches. The horizontal lines on the light side pull your eye from off screen in to the center of the color and it acts as a bridge with the shadow side. I chose a wide shot to force a change in perspective and make it feel like the building is pushing out of the screen at the center. The vertical line of the corner is drawing the eye down to what I found most important, and as a bonus I caught the rocket streaming toward me from above. What started out as a seemingly boring building became a new and unexpected pleasure. Every time I see it, even in small form like a thumbnail, it feels like it is exploding off the screen.I couldn't help but keep it as a profile picture.

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